Cats reach senior status around the age of eleven. Our feline companions often age gracefully, so you’re more likely to notice modest, progressive changes in your pet’s look and behavior rather than sudden drastic ones. Kitties, like people, require more frequent doctor visits as they age. In this article from your animal clinic, a local Fayetteville, NC veterinarian provides some useful advice on taking an aged kitty to the doctor.

What Are Some Common Health Issues in Senior Cats?

Kitties in their golden years are vulnerable to many of the same health issues that older people face. Kidney illness is prevalent and the leading cause of death in cats. Diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cancer, heart disease, liver disease, osteoarthritis, and IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) are among the most common conditions we see in our senior patients. Another prevalent concern is Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD), which can result in urinary blockage, bladder stones, and kidney issues. We also frequently notice cognitive deterioration in aging felines.

It’s worth noting that, while any cat can have any of these illnesses, particular breeds are more likely to develop certain problems. If you know what kind of cat your pet is, do some breed research. If not, consider getting your kitty a DNA test.

How Do I Transport an Older Cat?

We always recommend securing pets in cages or carriers for travel, because it is safer for both you and your furry companion. It is not uncommon for senior cats to be stiff and sore, especially if they have arthritis or another medical condition. Fluffy may find it uncomfortable to be lifted up and held. We recommend using a hardshell carrier to keep your pet from being bumped or jostled while you transport her in and out of the house, car, or clinic. Add nice bedding to the carrier to make it more appealing. You can also include a favorite toy or give your pet some catnip. 

Be extremely cautious when handling your pet. When you hold her, make sure her weight is well-supported. Then, when it’s time to put her down, do so slowly and don’t release her until her paws are on the floor.

How Do I Know If My Elderly Cat Is In Pain?

As previously said, cats reach their senior years at roughly the age of eleven. Nowadays, cats can live well into their teens or even twenties. An 11-year-old cat may still be energetic and playful, with years of purring and pounces. Once your pet reaches the age of roughly 15, she will be termed geriatric. At this moment, your pet may begin to experience medical problems. However, that isn’t a given. Our feline buddies do not mature in the same way. Some cats may appear to be absolutely content before rapidly declining. Others just slowly succumb to illness or disease. 

Your veterinarian, of course, should be the final authority on this. However, you should also pay attention to your cat and watch for signs that something is wrong with her. These may be subtle, so keep an eye out.

What Are the Signs That Your Senior Cat Is Sick?

Weight loss, increased urination, stiffness, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, litterbox troubles, and respiratory problems are some of the symptoms to look out for. 

Keep an eye out for behavioral changes as well. When cats aren’t feeling well, they may meow loudly or become quite silent. Fluffy may also seem more or less affectionate than usual.

For example, while sleeping excessively may be a red flag in some animals, it is really natural in senior cats. Fluffy may nap for up to 20 hours a day. Your pet may also appear unkempt, and her fur may look greasy or even matted. That’s because senior cats can struggle to groom their entire body.

How Often Should My Senior Cat Visit The Vet?

There is no uniform answer to this question; it will depend on Fluffy’s age, health, and lifestyle. We usually recommend bringing in elderly cats at least once a year. However, if your pet has medical difficulties, she will require more regular appointments. Follow your veterinarian’s recommendations.

How Can I Make Appointments Easier For My Senior Cat?

Fluffy is a homebody at heart, so she will probably be upset about the disruption to her napping regimen. Cats also get extremely fearful when they are removed from their natural habitats, and aren’t big fans of car rides.

There are a few simple things you can do to make the journey simpler. In addition to providing a comfortable carrier, as previously said, you may wish to try to plan a time when the clinic is not typically busy. There is no assurance that any day will be quiet, because emergencies can occur at any time. However, some times and days are typically busier than others. When arranging an appointment, inquire at the front desk. Of course, in an emergency, the goal should be to get your cat in as soon as possible.

Should You Take an Elderly Cat to the Vet?

It can be frightening to take an elderly cat to the doctor and not know what will happen. Just bear in mind that your primary goal should be to keep Fluffy happy and comfortable for as long as possible. If you notice indicators that something is awry, postponing that visit would only make things worse for both you and your beloved pet. 

Also, keep in mind that we can treat or at least manage a variety of medical conditions. The earlier an issue is identified, the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome.

What Happens During A Senior Cat Veterinary Visit?

If you’re bringing your pet in for an urgent care visit, the answer will vary depending on the situation.

If Fluffy is only coming in for an exam and wellness care, the appointment will most likely be pretty basic. Your veterinarian will assess your pet’s physical condition and monitor vital signs, such as her pulse and breathing. They will also inform you of any suggested immunizations or boosts Fluffy may require. Your cat may also need some tests or panels, depending on her age and any symptoms she exhibits. 

How Can I Keep a Senior Cat Comfortable?

There are also certain things you can do at home to keep your furball content, healthy, and purring. Providing nutritious food, a comfortable environment, and a clean litterbox will go a long way. You can also make tiny changes to make your property more senior-friendly. Get some pet ramps or steps to help your feline friend reach her favorite perches, and put out night lights to help her navigate after dark. Playing with Fluffy on a regular basis can help her stay active while also providing excellent mental stimulation. Ask your veterinarian for particular guidance.

Finally, make sure Fluffy feels loved and safe. This is especially crucial as you prepare to say goodbye. That moment might be incredibly painful and bittersweet, but it is ultimately the price we pay for our pets’ unconditional devotion.

Make An Appointment At Our Fayetteville, NC Pet Clinic

Do you have any questions about caring for a senior cat? Do you need to book an appointment for your feline companion? Please contact us, your Fayetteville, NC veterinarian clinic, at any time.