Shelters play a vital role in addressing the needs of animals. Although there is still more work to be done, their efforts have resulted in millions of homeless pets finding loving homes. Shelters greatly depend on the generous donations and support they receive from their local communities. Want to help? Why not make some items for the pets currently staying there? Continue reading as a local Fayetteville, NC veterinarian provides a list of items that you can create for your nearby shelter.

Why Are Crafts Important For Shelters?

Shelters are constantly in need of certain items. Basic supplies such as food, litter, and towels are typically prioritized on their wish lists. Additionally, they can also use certain comfort items. Plenty of these things that can be easily made at home. You can also repurpose items that you no longer have a use for, such as a pair of jeans that no longer fit or a tee shirt with a hole in it.

Things You Can Make at Home for Your Feline Friends

Although cats have individual preferences, there are several things that are widely enjoyed by most of them. Here are a few possible options:

Catnip Mice

If we were to ask our feline friends, catnip mice would likely be among the top choices for toys. This project is incredibly simple because you can utilize a wide variety of fabric scraps. In addition, catnip can be quite affordable when purchased in large quantities…and even more cost-effective if you choose to cultivate it yourself.

Making catnip mice is actually quite simple. Actually, they don’t necessarily have to be mice. It doesn’t matter to Fluffy what shape her toys are!

Begin by cutting two pieces of fabric into the same shape. Arrange them in a stacked position, ensuring that the outer sides are facing each other. After that, stitch the edges together, leaving a small opening. Once stitched, fill it with catnip and then seal the opening.

To create multiple mice, you can utilize a cookie cutter to trace the outlines of the shapes. Another option is to create a cardboard outline.

Cat Towers

Cat towers are great for cats, as they fulfill multiple functions. They provide cozy spots for our feline friends to nap and a designated area for them to groom their nails. Cats also engage in healthy physical activity by climbing up and down. Plus, they often feel safer in elevated areas.

There are numerous ways to make these at home. Consider repurposing an old bookshelf or stepladder. If you’re feeling creative and up for a challenge, there are various options for making your own using materials like a real tree, lumber, or PVC pipe.

It is important to ensure that there are no sharp edges or splinters. Next, incorporate sleek planks to create comfortable resting areas for Fluffy. Consider covering the entire object with carpet or sisal rope.

Cardboard Boxes

It’s no secret that cats love boxes. Box castles are almost always a hit with our feline friends. You can make these as simple or elaborate as you want! You may need to reinforce it with extra cardboard to make sure it’s sturdy enough.

Homemade Gifts For Shelter Dogs

Toys are very important for Fido’s mental and emotional health. They can also really help soothe and comfort shelter dogs. Here are a few options:

Rope Pull

For this one, cut an old T-shirt or towel into thin strips. If you want to make it look nice, use a few different pieces of clothing. However, Man’s Best Friend won’t really care what his toy looks like.

Once you have the strips sorted and ready, braid them together. Then, braid those braids together. When it reaches your desired thickness, tie it off in a large knot.

There are some variations on this. For instance, you can make them into circles, or braid in things like sweet potato jerky pieces. Another option is to work in a tennis ball.


Beds are also often in high demand from shelters. There are quite a few ways to make these as well. The simplest is to just cut two blankets to the same size. As with the catnip mouse, you’ll put them together, with the outsides facing in, and sew the openings closed, leaving a small opening Then, use a soft, safe stuffing to fill it. If you want to get a bit more detailed, you can add another piece of material to add thickness between the top and bottom.

Another option is to upcycle a sweater. Start by sewing the torso into an O shape. Leave the neck open, but sew the waist up. Next, sew the wrist holes closed, and sew the arms to the torso. You want them to meet at the bottom, so keep this in mind when you’re folding and pinning. Use the neck hole to stuff the bed, and then close it up.

Don’t forget about the little furballs! Shelters also get lots of smaller animals. These guys also need toys…particularly chew toys! Here are a few options for the littles:

Homemade Crafts For Smaller Animals

Pet Tents

Guinea pigs love to snuggle up in Cozies, which are basically tiny tent beds. You can make these out of an old tee shirt or baby blanket, using a few wire hangers.


The tubes from toilet paper or paper towel rolls can make fun toys for pocket pets and other little critters. There are quite a few things you can do with these. One option is to cut them into rings and reassemble them into little balls. You can also stuff them with plain paper.

You do want to be careful with the glue on these, though. Ask your Fayetteville, NC vet and the shelter for information.


Here’s an easy one: build a little castle for your tiny furball out of tissue boxes or shoeboxes. Just remember to remove any staples!

Tips For Donating Crafted Goods To Shelters

Every shelter has their own wish list and policies. Always reach out before donating—or even making goods. You don’t want to find out at the last minute that they don’t accept the item you were planning to bring!

Keep in mind that crafts aren’t the only way to help shelters. Financial donations are always extremely helpful. Your shelter may also need food, medicine, litter, or litterboxes more than they need toys or bedding.

Another way to help? Consider volunteering or even fostering. This can be a fulfilling and meaningful way to really make a difference.

Finally, make sure not to donate anything that could be dangerous. Anything with small parts or sharp edges is a no, as are items that are covered in varnish, glitter, or dye. Items with ropes or strings can also be unsafe. Ask your Fayetteville, NC vet for more information.

Make An Appointment At Our Fayetteville, NC Animal Clinic

Is your pet due for a checkup, vaccine, or parasite prevention? Contact us anytime. As your local Fayetteville, NC pet hospital, we are always here to help!