Did you know that America likely has the most pet Guinea pigs of any country? The AVMA conducted a study in 2022 and found that roughly 1.5 million US families have cavies. These little fellows are naturally very amiable and are happiest with friends. The majority of these households will most likely have multiple furballs. This implies that there may be up to 3.8 million Guinea pigs in the United States. One reason Guinea pigs are so popular? They are very low-maintenance. In fact, supplying your pet with a good cage is often half the battle when it comes to their care needs. In this post, a Rapid City, SD veterinarian answers some common questions about Guinea pig cage configuration.

What Sort Of Bedding Do I Need To Get For Guinea Pigs?

One of the most important choices you’ll have to make is what bedding to use. Dirty bedding not only stinks, but it also houses bacteria, increasing the likelihood of your little pets developing dangerous respiratory and fungal infections. You need something that is odor-eliminating, absorbs moisture, and dries rapidly. Of course, it should not be toxic.

Avoid employing wooden or paper-based bedding. Pine and cedar products are particularly hazardous since their oils can cause respiratory issues for small animals. Fleece is an excellent choice. Something else you could try? Regular beach towels! These are convenient because they are washable and easy to replace. They also come in a range of bright colors, making the cage more fun and enticing to your furry friends. You can also place a pad below to make it softer. Use a product created specifically for pets to guarantee it is not toxic or otherwise dangerous.

How Often Do I Clean A Guinea Pig Cage? 

We recommend spot cleaning every day. This includes discarding rubbish and uneaten food, as well as replacing filthy hay and padding. Once a week, you should do a complete cleaning that involves washing dishes, replenishing bedding and litter, and wiping down the cage. Contact your veterinarian if you have any questions.

How Can I Make My Cavies’ Cage More Entertaining?

If you think boredom doesn’t affect pets, think again. Like people, our furry friends can get sad and stressed if they aren’t getting enough entertainment or stimulation. They also need new things to explore and play with. This can have a significant impact on your pet’s health and well-being. 

You’ll want to include some fun toys and accessories. Chew toys are a must. These small furballs must chew a lot to keep their teeth healthy! However, you can make many of these yourself. Cozies and exercise wheels could also appeal to your pet. Just get solid wheels, as wire wheels are unsafe. For further information, ask your veterinarian.

Keep things interesting for your pets by rearranging  his or her possessions on a regular basis. Everyone needs a change from time to time.

Where Should I Put A Guinea Pig Cage?

The old saying, “location, location, location,” surely fits here. Choosing the right place is crucial for your pets’ comfort, health, and happiness.

There are a few dos and don’ts to remember. Your pet’s cage should not be situated in a drafty area, in direct sunlight, or in an area that is excessively noisy or crowded. Guinea pigs are small and easily spooked. Naturally, your pets will be uncomfortable if they are left by themselves too much. A calm environment is usually a solid bet.

You should also consider the temperature. Guinea pigs can’t cope with extreme temperatures very well. They do best at temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Finally, consider your other pets. If you have a dog or cat, you may want to place the cage on a sturdy table or something similar to keep Fido and Fluffy away. Understandably, a tiny ball of fur may be startled when they find your canine or feline companion staring at them!

What Is The Optimal Cage Size For A Guinea Pig?

This will ultimately depend on how many Guinea pigs you want. The Humane Society provides official recommendations that serve as an appropriate standard. Each Guinea pig should have at least 7.5 square feet of living space. However, you should never have just one Guinea pig, as these guys get very sad and lonely by themselves. 10.5 square feet is an excellent minimum for two. To accommodate three furballs, at least 13 square feet is required. Four furballs should have at least 16 square feet of space.

Do Guinea Pigs like Multi-Level Cages?

You can get a multi-level cage for your cavies, but be sure it won’t allow them to escape. It should include a covered ramp that your pets can climb safely and easily, and there should be no gaps or openings on the upper levels that they could fall through. This is crucial because these guys have restricted vision and are prone to falls. Cavies could easily tumble over a ledge or an open ramp!

Can Guinea Pigs Run Around Your House?

Absolutely! Living in a cage can be exhausting for a busy little ball of fur. Your cute pets will appreciate and benefit from spending time outside of their cage every day. This is also a great chance to play and spend time with your furry pals.

Before letting your little buddies out to play, make sure you completely petproof the area. Guinea pigs have open-rooted teeth and will munch on everything within reach of their small paws. This can be perilous because many common household products are harmful to tiny animals. Some items are toxic to pets, while others can strangle or cause internal harm.

Here are a few things to consider:

Toxic Plants: Many home plants are harmful to pets. Anything with a bulb, such as lilies, daffodils, tulips, garlic, and onions, are unsafe. Other dangerous plants include oleanders, aloe, rhododendron, begonias, chrysanthemums, azalea, and ivy.  For additional information harmful plants, speak with Fayetteville, NC veterinarian.

Dangerous Spaces: You should also seal off the gaps behind and beneath furniture and cabinets. Other potential hazards include stairs, stoves, pools, and the areas beneath recliners. Additionally, make certain that all vents are closed and that doors, screens, and windows are secure and escape-proof.

Small/sharp Objects: Anything small or sharp is unsafe. That includes pens, safety pins, paper clips, small toys, rubber bands, jewelry, and fishing tackle.

Ropes/Cords: Small animals are susceptible to becoming entangled in rope, string, or cord. Do not overlook drape cords, blankets, or pillow tassels.

Chemicals: Put any potentially hazardous substances out of the reach of those cute paws. Examples include cleaning agents, pharmaceuticals, drain openers, paint, insecticides, and automated equipment.

What Types of Cages Are Dangerous for Guinea Pigs?

Many types of cages are available in stores and online, but they are not all safe or suitable for your pet. We advise against using plastic storage bins. Glass cages are also not a good choice. Everything with mesh or wire flooring is also dangerous. These floorings do not hold the substrate in place and can result in serious injury. For further information, please contact your Fayetteville, NC veterinarian.

Schedule an Appointment at Fayetteville, NC Pet Clinic

Do you have any questions about taking care of Guinea pigs? Contact us, your Fayetteville, NC pet hospital, right now! We prioritize providing high-quality veterinary treatment to all patients, including the smallest ones!