This time of year brings a lot of joy to many of our canine friends. Summer is the perfect season for Fido to enjoy all of his favorite activities, including hiking, camping, playing, and swimming. However, the high temperatures can pose a significant risk to your beloved pet. You’ll need to take some precautions to ensure the safety and comfort of your furry friend during hot weather. A local Fayetteville, NC vet offers some insight on this below.

What Temperature Is Considered Too Hot For A Dog To Be Outside?

We suggest exercising caution whenever the temperature exceeds 80 degrees. However, that isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all mantra. For some of our canine buddies, temperatures above 75 can be hazardous. Huskies, for example, possess an abundance of dense fur. That heavy coat is perfect for a cold, snowy environment, but it can be quite uncomfortable during the summer.

If the temperature exceeds 90 degrees, you’ll need to be super vigilant, no matter what type of pup you have. Anything exceeding 100 poses a significant risk.

How Can I Keep My Dog Cool During the Summer?

Fido can’t adjust the air conditioner or position a fan towards himself, so you’ll need to take a few steps to keep him comfy.

Water is crucial. Make sure that Fido always has access to fresh water. If you have a large home or multiple dogs, consider adding additional water stations. (Tip: on really hot days, add a few ice cubes to your pet’s bowl.)  Also, remember to always bring water with you when you take your furry pal out and about. A doggy water bottle with a dispenser is a useful item to have in your car, along with some bottled water.

Fido also should have access to rooms with proper climate control. If he has a yard to frolic and chase squirrels in, make sure he has shade out there as well.

Consider making some changes to Fido’s schedule for walks and playtime. It’s best to take him out during the cooler parts of the day, such as mornings and evenings. It’s important to note that the pavement can retain heat even after sunset.

Your pup might like a raised bed. These beds allow air to flow beneath them, which helps to keep them cooler than regular beds. Another option is to position a fan towards or above the bed, as long as your dog cannot accidentally knock it over and potentially harm himself.

Cooling mats or pads can be quite beneficial. These are perfect for dogs that have a hard time dealing with hot weather. Just do some research before purchasing a product, as there are plenty of different versions available. Another option is to keep a fresh towel in the freezer and place it in your pet’s bed. Or, hang a damp bandana around his neck. Fido will be cooled off as the water evaporates. (This is also really cute.)

If you have a yard, consider getting your furry friend a kiddie pool to enjoy. Fido might also have a great time playing in the water with a hose or doggy sprinkler. You can also consider getting your furry friend a fountain that sprays water into the air as soon as they step on it.

Grooming is also crucial. Certain dogs may be comfier with a stylish summer haircut. However, some dogs’ fur should never be trimmed. A haircut could potentially harm Fido’s fur if he has a double coat.

What Are Some Suitable Snacks To Offer My Dog During Hot Weather?

This is an adorable way to get that little tail wagging. Who doesn’t enjoy a refreshing treat during hot summer days?

Doggy Ice Cream: There is a variety of ice cream available specifically for dogs in numerous pet stores. There is even a flavor made by Ben and Jerry’s! Another option is to experiment with creating your own. There is a wide variety of recipes available online. Stick with ingredients that are known to be safe. (Ask your Fayetteville, NC vet for information on this if you aren’t sure.)

Pupsicles: This recipe is simple and sure to be a hit with your furry friend! Arrange some paper cups, like Dixie cups, on a tray, then carefully add water or broth (choose broth without any sodium.) Place them in the freezer until they become firm, then insert a chew stick into the center of each one. Allow them to freeze completely.

Broth Cubes: This recipe is also quite simple. Just pour sodium-free broth into an ice cube tray and freeze it. For extra tail wags, include ingredients such as shredded meat, bacon bits, shredded cheese, peas, canned chicken or tuna, or safe fruits and veggies.

How Can I Tell If My Dog Is Getting Too Hot?

It is crucial to be aware of the dangers of overheating for dogs. Fido is unable to sweat in order to cool off, with the exception of his paw pads. While panting can provide some relief, its effectiveness is limited. It’s important to remember that our furry friends can overheat rapidly in hot weather.

Panting is typically the initial sign. If a dog pants heavily after running and playing, it may indicate that it is feeling too hot.

Here are some additional warning signs to watch out for:

  • Dehydration
  • Drooling
  • Shaking
  • Discolored Gums
  • Decreased Urine Production
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Confusion

If you observe any of these signs, promptly cool down your pet and contact your veterinarian. Providing Fido with lukewarm water to drink is a good idea. Another effective method is to spritz him with water or gently run a cool, wet cloth over him. Your vet can provide specific instructions.

How Can I Keep My Dog Safe During The Summer?

In addition to ensuring Fido stays hydrated and cool, there are a few other factors to consider. It’s important to be aware of paw burns. Consider using paw balm or wax to protect your pet’s paws, and make sure to keep them away from hot surfaces. If the ground is too hot for you to walk on without shoes, it’s also too hot for your furry friend!

In addition, it is important to never leave your beloved pet alone in a car. Temperatures inside parked cars can quickly reach dangerous levels, posing a serious threat.

Fido should also be neutered, microchipped, and up-to-date on vaccinations and parasite prevention. If your pet is past its due date, reach out to your Fayetteville, NC veterinarian to schedule an appointment.

Enjoy Your Time with Fido

Now is the perfect opportunity to go on some exciting adventures with your beloved four-legged companion. Make sure to spend some quality time with Fido in the evenings by playing fetch or taking him for a leisurely walk in a beautiful park. Spending time with dogs is always worthwhile!

Is Swimming Good For Dogs?

Swimming can be a wonderful activity for Fido … or it can be quite risky. It varies based on the specific dog. Some dogs really enjoy frolicking and having fun in the water. Labs and Golden Retrievers, for instance, excel at swimming and often thoroughly enjoy the experience. However, swimming is not recommended for brachycephalic dogs like pugs. These creatures can encounter significant difficulties in even the most shallow water due to their short airways. Consult your veterinarian if you have any doubts about Fido’s swimming abilities.

If you get the thumbs up, use the same water safety guidelines as you would for a toddler. The biggest thing is to always supervise your dog when he is around water.

Choosing the right swimming spot is crucial. When choosing a beach or lake to visit, it’s best to opt for ones that are dog-friendly. There is a valid reason for this beyond just legal requirements: Swim holes that are dog-friendly typically feature gentle slopes, ensuring a safer experience for your furry friend. Be cautious of areas with sharp drops, powerful currents, or excessive turbulence.

Planning to visit a pool? Please take a few moments to familiarize Fido with the location of the stairs, so he can find his way out in case of any accidents. This has the potential to be a life-saving solution! Take your time with this and ensure that he remembers.

Schedule An Appointment At Our Fayetteville, NC Pet Hospital

Is your dog in need of a check-up? Are you seeking answers regarding your dog’s health or care? Get in touch with us, your trusted Fayetteville, NC pet hospital, today!