Does Fido need a new bed? Nowadays, doggy beds are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you have a large selection to choose from. Some beds are best matched with specific types of dogs, however, so we recommend doing some research before you go shopping. In this article, a Fayetteville, NC veterinarian discusses choosing the right dog bed.

Orthopedic Beds

Just like people, dogs often develop aches and pains as they age. If Fido is in his golden years, he’ll enjoy the comfort and support of a good, orthopedic bed. Large dogs, such as a Great Dane, will also benefit from the extra support orthopedic beds offer. These are also great for thin dogs, and pups that like to sprawl out.

Little Beds

Bigger isn’t necessarily always better when it comes to doggy beds. Smaller dogs may be more comfortable in a bed that fits their size. Many of these have raised edges, which make the bed feel more like a little den.

Beanbag Beds

Does Fido turn in circles before lying down? If so, consider a beanbag bed. These are great for pups that trample their bedding down before settling in for a nap.

Pillow Beds

Pillow beds are basically large cushions. These are suitable for many types of dogs, but are a particularly good choice for pooches that like to sprawl out. Just make sure the stuffing is thick enough to offer enough support.


Does Fido have a place in the yard all his own? Consider getting him a cot so he can nap comfortably outside. These offer good support, and are often made of materials that can be easily rinsed off.

Bolster Beds

Bolster beds have raised sides, which can serve as a little headrest for Fido. If your dog likes using pillows, a bolster bed may be a good choice for him.

Other Factors

Dog beds will inevitably end up covered in fur, so choose one you can wash regularly. If you can’t easily clean Fido’s bedding, fleas will probably infest it. For larger beds, look for one with a removable cover, or put a comforter on top. As we all know, winters here get cold, so you may want to consider getting your pup a heated bed. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Please contact us, your Fayetteville, NC veterinary hospital, for all your dog care needs.